Cornbury Merritt bought from Ira and Hannah Fancher 65 2/3 acres adjoining
Barker Lands, also 3 1/3 acres, Sept 4, 1828
recorded Dec 30, 1828, $1250.00
Sixty Five Two Thirds Acre Tract begining at a maple tree
standing in the north east corner of a farm near the stone bridge on the
Susquehannah Turnpike Rd and runs thence south.....etc
Liber U page 314 Cornbury Merritt and Permelia his wife to Ephraim
This indenture made the sixteenth day of March in the year of our
Lord 1833 between Cornbury Merritt and Permelia his
wife of Durham in the county of Green and the state of New York of the
first part ad Ephraim Schermerhorn of the same place
County Clerks office Catskill, Liber X page 243
This indenture made the first day of April in the year of our
lord one thousand eight hundred and (NOT COMPLETED IN ORIGINAL) {1837} between
Elhannah Percival and Polly his wife of the Town of Durham in the county of
Green of the first part and Cornberry Merritt of the same place of the second
part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part have and in
consideration of the sum of Four thousand three hundred and ten dollars (etc)
All that certain piece of lands situated in Duham bounded as follows.
Beginning at the easterly corner of the Methodist Meeting House thence along the
boundaries of the said site south 40 degrees 30 minutes west 9 chains and 25
links to a stake on the easterly side of the Highway thence south 7 degrees east
11 chains and 50 links to a cornered maple sapling thence north 87
degrees 30 minutes east 34 chains and 60 links to the northeast corner of
Gerones land thence north 2 degrees 30 minutes west 33 chains and 30 links to
the northeast corner of lot #122 thence south 3 degrees 30 minutes west 5 chains
and 30 links to a stake and stones thence south 89 degrees 30 minutes west 17
(7?) chains and 70 links to a stake and stones thence south 34 degrees west 12
chains and 90 links to a corner of Austins three acre lot thence south 56
degrees east 2 chains and 75 links to the northeast corner of said tract thence
south 37 degrees west 13 chains to the southerly side of the highway thence
north 51 degrees west 1 chain to the place of beginning containing 118 acres
including highway. Also that certain lot beginning at a large cornered
hemlock tree being the southeast corner of the land sold by Peter VanOrden to
Elhannah Percival and runs thence on the south line of the same west 52 chains
to the east line of McVicker patent thence on said line north 8 chains to a
cornered hemlock tree thence along an old marked line north 85 degrees east 19
chains to a cornered butternut tree thence south 3 degrees east 4 chains and 40
links to said Waggoner corner thence north 87 degrees 30 minutes east 19 chains
and 60 links to Waggoners southeast corner thence along his east line north 3
degrees west 5 chains and 25 links to a stake and sontes thence north 85 degrees
east 13 chains to Percivals northeast corner thence along his east bounds south
1 degree west 12 chains and 60 links to the place of the beginning containing 44
acres one rood and 20 poles of land.
Elhanah Percival LS
Polly Percival LS
Recorded April 18, 1837 W.BB. Heermance Clerk
In presence of Pratt Adams, Com. of Deeds
(note: Elkany Percival will filed March 19, 1857, Catskill: Kin mentioned, Anna
Stedman sister res. Maryville, NY, Lydia Towsey sister res. Indianapolis
Ind, Asahel Gridley res. Bloomington ILL, Lydia Beckwith res
Magnolia Ill. Exec. William Pierce filed March 19, 1857, other paper
stat Anna Stedman sister res. New Paltz: Lydia Towsey a sister, a deceased
sister of Elkany Percival was Elizabeth Gridley. Timothy Girdley res
Lockport Ind.
County Clerk's office
Liber 55 page 375
This indenture made the 5th day of April
1854 between Permelia Merritt widow of Cornberry Merritt deceased,
Jane Bullock, Martin Kellogg and Electa his wife, Chenango, Seneca Merritt and
Jane his wife, Giblert Merritt and Fanny Merritt his wife, Cornbury Merritt and
Mary his wife, Alvin Jones and Juliet his wife, George W. Francis,
Harriett M. Francis all of the town of Durham, Greene County, New
York of the first part and Ephraim Schermerhorn of the town of Durham,
County of Green and state of New York and Elizabeth Schermerhorn his wife of the
second part Witnesseth that the Parties of the first part for an in
consideration of the sum of $3.400 to them in hand paid by the said party of the
second part do grant bargain sell and consign unto the said party of the second
part and to his heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece or parcel of
land situated lying and being in the Town of Durham, Cornwallville, Greene
County New York and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at the easterly corner
of the Methodist Meeting House thence along the boundaries of said site south 40
degrees and 30 min. West 9 chains 24 links to a stake on the easterly side of
the highway thence south 7 degrees east 11 chains and 40 links to a cornered
maple sapling thence north 87 degrees 30 minutes east 37 chains and 60 links to
the north east corner of Burrows land thence north 2 degrees 30 min. West 33
chains and 30 links to the northeast corner of lot #122 thence north 3 degrees
30. min west 5 chains and 30 links to a hemlock tree then south 49 degrees 30
min wet 17 chains and 70 links to a stake and stones thence south 34 degrees
west 12 chains and 20 links to a corner of Austin (Baeker) Bacer's lot thence
south 56 degrees east 2 chains and 75 links to the north east corner of said
tract thence south 37 degrees west 13 chains to the southerly side of the
highway thence north 37 degrees west 1 chain to the place of beginning
containing 118 acres including highway. Also that certain other piece or
lot beginning at a large cornered hemlock tree being the southeast corner of
this land sold by Peter VanOrden to E. Percival and runs thence on the southerly
line of the same West 52 chains on the southerly line of the same west 52 chains
to the east line of M. Wiokes patent thence on said line north 8 cahins to a
cornered hemlock tree thence along and old marked line north 85 degrees east 19
chains to a cornered butternut tree thence south 3 degrees east 4 chains 40
links to said Waggoners corner thence north 87 degrees 30 min east 19 chains and
60 links to Waggoners southeast corner line north 3 degrees west 5 chains and 25
links to a stake and stones thence north 85 degrees east 13 chains to Percivals
northeast corner thence along his east bounds south 1 degree west 12 containing
44 acres 1 rood and 30 poles of land, Also on other piece situated in
Durham aforesaid and bounded as follows. Beginning at the southwest corner
of lands owned by Cornberry Merritt and opposite the M.E. Meeting House and runs
thence south 50 degrees east 2 chains and 25 links thence north 37 degrees east
12 chains and 25 links and 13 links thence north 55 degrees west 2 chains and 70
links along the east line of the land formerly owned by Charles Whitmore 12
chains and 8 links to the place of beginning containing 3 acres of land together
with all and sundry Etc.
In Witness Whereof the said parties of the first part hereunto
set their hands and seals the day and year first above mentioned. Sealed
and delivered in the presence of (THIS LEFT OPEN ON ORIGINAL)
Signed: Gilbert Merritt
Fanny Merritt
Jane Merritt
Mary Merritt
George W.
Alvin Jones
Juliet Jones
Harriet M.
Bullock witness for
Jane X Bullock
(Note: Jane Bullock, Martin Kellogg, Electa Kellog were all of Chenango
County NY