(From History of
Southeastern NY p 786+)
Adolph Philpse was a wealthy merchant of N.Y. city who bought what is now
Putnam county from one Lambert Derlandt and Jan Sybrant. The later two bought
the land from the indians originally 07/15/1691 and sold it in 1697 to Philipse
who obtained a patent. In 1702 Adolph secured a release from the indians for the
Highland Patent. The land remained with Adolph until his death in 1749. The
estate fell to Frederick Philipse, Adolph's nephew. Frederick died in 1751 and
his estate was divided into three equal shares among his children. The eastern
line of the Philips Patent was along the west boundry of the Oblong Patent, this
running nearly north and south and passing through the center of Peach Pond. Two
of Fredericks daughters married men of the English Crown. Susannah married Col.
Beverly Robinson whose estate was of Philipstown. The Col. was associated with
Benedict Arnold and went back to England forever after the Revolutionary War.
Mary Philipse married Co. Roger Morris who supported the Crown in the
Revolution. N.Y. State laws put in effect caused the land of Col. Roger Morris
and Mrs Susanah robinson to be confiscated, surveyed, and sold. The date of the
sale was Aug 30, 1788, and a list of buyers was named.
In 1787 the children of Roger Morris petitioned the State legislature
presenting claims that title given to the purchases of the land by the State did
not effect the title of land of the children of Morris. It was these claims of
Morris's children that John Jacob Astor bought and fought in Nov 7, 1827 with
success he received $450,000 from N.Y. State on April 5, 1832.
The eastern part of Putnam county was known as the "Oblong". It was
one and three quaters miles and 20 rods wide adjoining the State of Conn, known
as the "equivalent lands". The Conn/ NY state line was 20 miles from
the Hudson river as established by the survey of 1731 and agreed upon by both
States and fixed in 1832.
Boundaries of Townships
Philipse Town: town of Philipstown and Putnam Valley
Frederickstown was bounded west by Philipstown as it was in 1780, south by
Westchester Co., North by the bounderies of Adolph Philipse land, the present
Dutchess-Putnam county lines, and east by the east lands of the Philipse Patent.
The land between Frederickstown and Conn. and from Westchester line to the north
boundry of the Philpse line continued over to Conn and from Westchester line to
the north boundry of the Philpipse line continued over to Conn. and known as the
"oblong" or "equivalentlands" called the Southeast Precinc
in 1772, and Southeast town in 1780.
In 1795 a law passed devided Frederickstown into 4 towns, namely, Carmel,
Southeast, Franklin and Frederick, the same as the present except as follows.
All lands of Frederickstown lying west of the east line of Philipse Long Lot and
south of a line to begin at a poin t in the west bounds of Frederickstown 6
miles north of the northline of Westchester County and running north 87 degrees
360 mins east to the State of Conn. to be called the Town of Carmel.
All parts of Frederickstown and southeast Town lying east of said line of
Philipse Long Lot , and south of the above mentioned line, beginning at a point
in a point in the west boundary of Frederickstown 6 miles from the Westchester
County lijne, running north 87 degrees 30 mins. east to Conn. line, called Town
of Southeast
All parts of Frederickstown and Southeast Town lying east of Said east line
of Philipse Long Lot and north of the above 6 mile line, above the Westchester
County line to conn. line to be called the Town of Franklin.

Misc. Putnam County info.
In 1808 Frederick was called the Town of Kent, Putnam Valley was established
in 1839 out of Philipstown and a small part of Carmel
In 1785 the stage coach line between Albany and N.Y. city traveled over the
Post Road. At least one trip per week was made. Town he coach stop was probaly
Warren's Tavern in Philipstown ( now the Bird in Bottle Inn) for Putnam county .
Another Post Road passed through thte eastern end of Putnam county of Dingel
Ridge and Joe's hills and north throught he eastern part of the Town of