| |
Dutchess County Federal Census |
Name |
Town |
Radcliff, Cornelius 1-0-5-0-6 |
Clinton Town |
Radcliff, Peter— 2-2-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Ralph, George— 1-3-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Randall, James— 1-1-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Randall, Joseph— 1-0-6-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Randel, Joseph jr— 1-2-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Ransom, David— 2-3-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rapalie, Abraham B—1-4-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rarick, John George 2-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Ray, Nathaniel— 1-1-7-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Ray, Stephen— 2-2-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Ray, Thomas— 4-1-7-0-0 |
Beekman |
Raymond, Caleb— 1-3-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Raymond, Thaddeus 4-3-8-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Read, David— 1-5-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Reasoner, Jacob jr—1-2-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Reasoner, Jacob— 2-1-0-0-2 |
Beekman |
Reasoner, Peter— 1-1-3-0-1 |
Beekman |
Reed, Aaron— 1-2-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reed, Eliakim— 2-1-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reed, Elijah sr— 2-3-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reed, Elijah— 2-1-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reed, Gershom— 2-6-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reed, Jacob— 1-6-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Reed, James— 7-4-4-0-1 |
Amenia |
Reed, Joseph— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reed,Brewster— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reed,Henry, 1,2,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Reed,Marks, 1,0,1,0,0 |
Pawling |
Reeky, Peter— 2-2-6-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Reid, William— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Remsen, Herman— 3-0-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Renno,Simeon, 2,2,5,0,0 |
Pawling |
Requa, Joseph— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Reynolds, Caleb 1-3-4-0-0 |
Northeast |
Reynolds, Edmond 2-0-1-0-0 |
Northeast |
Reynolds, Griffin— 2-4-3-1-1 |
Beekman |
Reynolds, James 4-3-3-0-0- |
Northeast |
Reynolds, James— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Reynolds, Joseph— 2-1-4-0-1 |
Beekman |
Reynolds, Matthew 1-1-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Reynolds, Solomon 1-3-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Reynolds, Solomon 1-2-3-0-0 |
Northeast |
Reynolds, Stephen— 3-1-7-0-0 |
Amenia |
Reynolds, Sutton— 1-1-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Reynolds, William— 2-3-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rheam, George— 5-2-3-0-1 |
Clinton Town |
Rhinehart,John, 1,0,4,0,0 |
Pawling |
Rhinus, Herman— 2-1-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rhinus, John— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Rhodes, Isaac— 2-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rhodes, James— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rhodes, John— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rhodes, John— 2-0-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rice, Solomon — 1-2-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rice, William—1-2-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Richards, Ezra— 1-3-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Richards, Moses— 3-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Richards, Nehemiah 2-1-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Richards, Thomas— 3-0-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Richardson, Robert—1-0-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Richmond, Cyrus— 1-3-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Richmond, Cyrus— 1-3-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Richmond, John— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Richmond, John— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Ricketson, Rowland—1-2-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Rider, Caleb— 2-2-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rider, David— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rider, John— 1-1-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rider, Reuben— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rider, Stephen— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Ridgeway, Isaac 1-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Righter, William 2-2-4-0-0 |
Northeast |
Riker, Henry— 3-0-6-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Riker, Henry— 3-0-6-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rilkins, Bernardus—2-2-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Robbins, Samuel—1-2-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Roberts, John— 1-0-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, Aaron— 4-3-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Robinson, David— 2-0-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, Ebenezer 1-0-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, Ebenezer 4-3-7-0-3 |
Clinton Town |
Robinson, Enoch— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, George— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Robinson, Isiah— 2-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, John the 1st 3-1-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, John the 2d 1-4-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, John the 3d 2-2-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, John— 1-4-6-2-1 |
Fishkill |
Robinson, Lewis— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, Noah— 1-4-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, Peter— 2-2-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Robinson, Samuel— 1-1-0-0-1 |
Fishkill |
Robinson, William 1-0-1-0-0 |
Northeast |
Roe, David— 2-3-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Roe, Elijah— 2-2-6-0-0 |
Amenia |
Roe, John— 1-3-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Roe, Joshua— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Roe, Silas— 2-4-7-0-0 |
Amenia |
Roe, William— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Roe,James, 1,3,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Rogers, Amos— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rogers, Ezra— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rogers, Gideon— 1-2-6-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rogers, Hezekiah— 4-1-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Rogers, Isaac— 3-0-6-0-0 |
Northeast |
Rogers, John— 1-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rogers, Mary— 0-1-5-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rogers, Michael— 3-1-1-0-1 |
Fishkill |
Rogers, Nathaniel— 4-3-5-0-0 |
Beekman |
Rogers, Platt— 5-1-5-0-5 |
Fishkill |
Rogers, William— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rogers, Zophar— 3-1-5-0-0 |
Beekman |
Root, James— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Ros, Phineahas— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Ros, Samuel— 3-3-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rose,David, 1,1,3,0,0, |
Pawling |
Rosecrans, Peter— 2-1-1-0-1 |
Fishkill |
Rosecrans, Thomas— 2-1-4-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Roselle, Herman— 2-0-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Ross, Joseph, 1,2,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Ross,Zebulon,Sen, 3,0,4,0,6 |
Pawling |
Rowe, Coonradt— 1-0-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rowe, Garret— 2-1-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rowe, George— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Northeast |
Rowe, Henry— 3-1-2-0-1 |
Northeast |
Rowe, Matthiss—2-5-4-0-1 |
Northeast |
Rowe, Peter— 1-1-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rowe, Philip— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rowe, Phillip— 2-2-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rowe, Samuel— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Rowland, Hezekiah—2-3-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rowland, John— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rowland, John— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rowland, Marvill— 3-2-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rowland, Smith— 3-1-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rowland, Smith— 3-1-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rowley, Jabez— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Royce, Henry— 1-1-5-0-0 |
Beekman |
Royce, Simon— 1-3-5-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rozelle, Peter— 2-0-5-0-0 |
Beekman |
Rraymond, John— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rugen, John— 2-4-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Rundle, Ezra— 1-0-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Rundle, Jabes— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rundle, Jabes— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Rusco, Stephen—3-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Russell, Abijah— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Russell, James jr— 2-2-6-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Russell, James— 2-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Russell, John— 2-2-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Russell, John— 3-1-3-0-0 |
Northeast |
Russell, Thomas— 2-2-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Russell, William 3-2-3-0-0 |
Pawling |
Russell,Elihu, 3,1,5,0,0 |
Pawling |
Russell,John, 1,1,5,0,0 |
Pawling |
Rust, Amaziah— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Ryckman, Herman— 1-1-6-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Ryet, (looks like F over R)John 1-0-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sabina, Beekman— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sacket, Ezekiel— 3-1-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sacket, James— 3-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sacket, Samuel— 2-1-2-0-1 |
Clinton Town |
Sackett, Nathaniel—3-0-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Sackrider, Moses— 3-3-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Saffin, Thomas— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Salmons, Phillip— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sampson,Abner, 1,2,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Sanford, Elijah— 1-2-6-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Saris, Jeremiah— 1-4-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Saris, Jeremiah— 1-4-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sarls, Reuben— 1-3-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Satterlee, William—1-0-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scale, Nathaniel— 3-5-5-0-0 |
Beekman |
Scale,Jonathan— 3-4-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schenek, Henry— 3-3-7-0-5 |
Fishkill |
Schermarhorn,Jacob, 1,1,5,0,0 |
Pawling |
Schermerhorn,Cornelius, 2,2,4,0,0 |
Pawling |
Schermerhorn,John, 1,1,1,0,0 |
Pawling |
Schriver, Albertus—2-1-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Frederic—1-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Henry— 1-2-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Jacob 3rd 1-0-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Jacob the 1st 2-1-2-0-2 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, James— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, John the 2d 1-1-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, John the 2d 1-1-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, John— 2-0-6-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Joseph— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Joseph— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Peter jr—1-3-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Peter sr—3-0-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schriver, Stephen— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Schut, Frederick— 1-1-4-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Schut, Jacobus— 2-5-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scolt, Abel— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Scolt, Jacob— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Scolt, Samuel— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Scolt, Stephen— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Scott, George— 1-3-5-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scott, James— 2-0-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Scott, Peter— 1-3-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Scott, Robert— 2-1-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scouten, Jacobus— 1-2-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scouten, Johannis— 3-1-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scouten,Solomon— 3-1-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scouton, Simon— 3-1-1-0-4 |
Fishkill |
Scouton, William— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Scovil, Ezra— 1-0-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Scovil, Noah— 2-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Seaborn, Elizabeth—2-0-3-0-1 |
Fishkill |
Sears, Charles— 1-0-0-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sears, Thomas— 3-4-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Secoy, Elihu— 2-3-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Secoy, Isaac— 2-2-5-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Secoy, Isaac— 4-3-8-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Secoy, John— 5-2-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Secoy, Josiah— 1-5-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Secoy, Paul— 2-0-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Secoy, Warner— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Seeder, John— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Seely, Isaac— 2-3-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Seely, Sylvanus—2-4-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sensilbaugh, Andrew 1-2-5-0-1 |
Beekman |
Shadbolt, Ludlow— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Shadbolt, Thomas— 1-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Shannon, Geogre— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Shaw, Benjamin— 2-2-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Shaw, Enoch— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Shaw, James— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Shaw, Joshua— 2-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Shaw, Michael— 3-1-4-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Shaw, Noah— 1-2-6-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Shaw, Robert— 2-4-6-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Shaw, William sr— 2-1-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Sheer, Abraham— 1-0-2-0-2 |
Fishkill |
Sheer, Israel— 3-4-7-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sheer, John— 1-1-9-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sheldon, Benjamin— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sheldon, George 3-6-4-0-0 |
Northeast |
Sheldon, Jonathan— 1-3-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sheldon, Nathan— 3-2-8-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sheldon,David, 1,1,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Sheldon,Isaac— 4-5-3-0-0 |
Pawling |
Sheldon,Thomas, 2,2,4,0,0 |
Pawling |
Shelhouse, Coonradt 2-0-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Shelhouse, Coonradt 2-0-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Shepherd, Israel— 1-4-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Shepherd, Jonathan—1-3-6-0-0 |
Amenia |
Shepherd,Daniel— 2-2-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Shereer, Lewis— 2-1-?-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Shereer, Lewis— 2-1-?-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sherman, Ebenezer— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sherman, Ezra— 3-0-2-0-0 |
Pawling |
Sherman,Benjamin 4-2-2-0-0 |
Pawling |
Sherman,Jethro— 2-1-3-0-0 |
Pawling |
Sherwood, Asahal— 2-3-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sherwood, Parrock— 2-0-1-0-1 |
Amenia |
Sherwood, Solomon— 2-1-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Shippey,Susanna, 0,0,4,0,0 |
Pawling |
Shove,Edward, 4,2,6,0,0 |
Pawling |
Shults, Christopher 2-2-6-0-0 |
Northeast |
Shultz, Frederick— 2-5-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Shultz, Frederick— 2-5-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sickler, George— 1-3-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sickler, Martinus— 2-8-6-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sickler, Peter the 1st 1-0-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sickler, Peter the 3rd 1-1-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sickler, Phillip— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sieght, Frederick— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sieght, Frederick— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sigby, John— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Silvernail, Wynants 2-3-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Silvernail, Wynants 2-3-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simkins, John— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Simmons, Absolom—2-1-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Simmons, Charles— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simmons, Charles— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Simmons, James— 1-3-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Simmons, Joshua— 4-1-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Simmons, Joshua— 4-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simmons, Nathaniel—2-4-5-0-1 |
Amenia |
Simmons, Nathaniel—2-4-5-0-1 |
Clinton Town |
Simmons, Peter— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simmons, Sylvanus— 5-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simmons, Sylvanus— 5-1-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Simmons, William 2-0-4-0-0 |
Northeast |
Simmons,David, 2,2,5,0,0 |
Pawling |
Simonton, Anna— 0-1-5-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Simpkins, Major— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Simpson, Caleb— 2-2-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Simpson, Garret— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simpson, James— 2-1-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Simpson, James— 2-1-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simpson, Joseph— 4-1-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Simpson, Joseph— 4-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simpson, Peter— 3-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Simpson, Peter— 3-1-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sinclair, John— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sioet, John— 1-1-5-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Skidmore, Andrew— 2-1-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Skinner, Lydia— 0-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Skinner, Matthew— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Skinner, Matthew— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Skinner, Wright— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Slater, John— 4-1-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Slater, Reuben— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Slater, William— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Slawson, Peter— 2-0-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sleght, Abraham— 4-0-3-0-4 |
Fishkill |
Sleght, Daniel sr— 3-5-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sleght, Daniel sr— 3-5-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sleght, Daniel— 1-2-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sleght, Daniel— 1-2-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sleght, Hendrick— 4-2-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sleght, Hendrick— 4-2-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sleght, William— 1-5-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Sloane, James— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Slocum, Isaac— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Slocum, Jesse— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Slocum,Deborah, 0,0,4,0,0 |
Pawling |
Slocum,Gideon— 2-0-4-0-0 |
Pawling |
Sloet, Elias— 1-3-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sloet, John the 1st— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sloet, John the 2d—1-2-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sloet, John the 3d—1-2-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sloet, Michael— 4-3-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sloet, Simeon— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Slost, Isaac— 2-2-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smalley, Isaiah— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smalley, James jr 1-3-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smalley, James— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smally, Zachariah 1-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smiley, William— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Abel— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Abel— 4-0-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Charles— 1-0-4-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Smith, Coonradt— 2-3-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Daniel the 1st 2-2-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Daniel the 2d 1-1-6-0-2 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Daniel the 2d 1-1-6-0-2 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, David— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, David— 1-3-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Edward— 3-3-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Elijah the 1st 4-2-7-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Elijah the 2nd 2-3-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Elijah— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Smith, Elisha— 1-3-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Elisha— 2-0-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Ephraim— 1-2-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Eunice— 0-2-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Henry— 2-3-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, Isaac— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Isaac— 2-3-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Smith, Isaac— 3-3-4-1-7 |
Amenia |
Smith, Isaac— 4-2-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Smith, Jacob— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Jacob— 3-2-7-0-2 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, James— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, James— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Smith, James— 1-4-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Jemina— 0-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Jemina— 0-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Jesse— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Jesse— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Jesse— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, John — 2-0-3-0-0 |
Northeast |
Smith, John the 2d—1-2-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, John— 2-0-6-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, John— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, John— 2-2-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, Jonathan— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Jonathan— 1-1-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Joseph— 1-0-0-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Joseph— 1-3-3-0-1 |
Beekman |
Smith, Joshua— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Smith, Jotham— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Lemuel— 1-5-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Martin— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, Matthiss 5-3-4-0-0 |
Northeast |
Smith, Morris— 1-4-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Morris— 2-1-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, Moses— 3-0-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Nehemiah—2-3-8-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Obediah— 1-4-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Othniel— 3-4-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Peter— 4-2-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Smith, Phillip— 1-5-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Reuben— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Richard— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Samuel— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Samuel— 2-0-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Samuel— 2-0-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Solomon 1-1-6-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, Stephen— 1-3-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Thomas the 1st 2-2-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, Thomas the 2d 1-0-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, Thomas the 3d 3-2-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Smith, Thomas— 3-5-6-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Smith, William M—1-3-3-0-3 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Youngs— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith, Youngs— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Zebulon— 2-0-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Smith, Zebulon— 2-0-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Smith,Enos, 1,1,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Snedeker, Jacobus— 1-2-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Snedeker, John— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Snedeker, Uriah— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Snediker, Jacob— 2-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Snider, Moses— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Snow, William— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Snyder, Benjamin— 2-0-2-0-3 |
Fishkill |
Snyder, George— 2-2-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Snyder, Henry 1-0-3-0-0 |
Northeast |
Snyder, Jane— 0-0-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Snyder, Peter 1st— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Snyder, Peter 2nd— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Snyder, Phillip 2-4-4-0-0 |
Northeast |
Snyder, Samuel— 2-2-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Snyder, William 1-3-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Soale, Daniel 2-1-3-0-0 |
Northeast |
Soale, Ebenezer— 1-3-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Soale,George, 1,1,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Soale,Nathan, 2,4,7,0,0 |
Pawling |
Soames, Nathaniel— 2-2-6-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Soames, Samuel— 3-0-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Soames, Stephen— 1-1-4-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Sodin, John— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Sodin, Jonathan— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Soper, Cornelius— 1-5-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Soper, Cornelius— 1-5-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sornborger, David— 1-4-4-0-1 |
Amenia |
Sornborger, Frederick 2-1-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Sornborger, George—4-5-11-0-0 |
Amenia |
Southard, Anne— 1-1-4-0-2 |
Fishkill |
Southard, Benjamin—2-2-7-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Southard, Benjamin—2-2-7-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Southard, Deborah— 2-2-6-0-2 |
Fishkill |
Southard, Jane— 0-1-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Southard, John— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Southard, Richard the 1st 1-1-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Southward, Joseph jr 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Southward, Joseph sr 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Southwick, Lawrence 2-1-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Southwick, Lawrence 2-1-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Southwick, Zadock— 2-0-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Southwick, Zadock— 2-0-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Southworth,Edward, 2,1,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Sovrine, Charles jr 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sovrine, Charles— 2-1-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sovrine, James— 3-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Spalding, Phillip—1-0-2-0-0 |
Amenia |
Spalding,Abiathar, 1,1,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Spalding,Abijah—3-1-3-0-0 |
Pawling |
Spalding,Nathan—3-1-5-0-0 |
Pawling |
Spalding,Samuel—1-0-2-0-0 |
Pawling |
Spanbergh, Jacob— 1-3-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Spencer, John— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Spencer, Mary— 1-2-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Spencer, Phillip 4-0-1-0-6 |
Northeast |
Spencer, Phillip jr 1-0-3-1-2 |
Northeast |
Spencer, Reuben— 3-3-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Spencer, Reuben— 3-3-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sprague, Elijah— 2-2-6-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sprague, Jeremiah— 3-3-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sprague, John jr— 1-1-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sprague, John— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sprague, Mary— 0-0-3-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Springsteel, Christeen 0-0-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Squire, George —1-1-1-0-0 |
Northeast |
Squire, Jonathan— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Squire, Josiah — 2-2-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
St John, Abraham—1-2-5-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
St John, Lucy— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stanborough, Elijah 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Standtrot, Henry 1-1-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Stanton, William— 1-3-6-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Staples, Noah— 1-1-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Starr, Abijah— 2-4-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Steenrod, Solomon 1-1-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Stenson, James— 1-1-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Stevens, Edward 1-0-4-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Stevens, James— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Stevens, Jehiel— 3-0-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stevens, John— 1-0-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Stevens, Russell— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stevens, Thomas— 1-1-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Stevens, Timothy— 1-1-5-0-0 |
Amenia |
Stevens,Samuel, 2,1,3,0,0 |
Pawling |
Stevens,Thomas,the 1st, 1,0,1,0,0 |
Pawling |
Stevenson, Nathaniel 2-5-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Stewart, John— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Northeast |
Stewart, Thomas— 2-4-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stewart,Ezekiel— 2-0-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Stewart,Solomon,W, 1,2,4,0,0 |
Pawling |
Stickie, Andrew jr 2-1-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Stickie, Nicholas the 1st 2-2-2-0-1 |
Northeast |
Stickle, Andrew 3-2-6-0-4 |
Northeast |
Stickle, Nicholas the 2d 1-3-2-0-0 |
Northeast |
Stickle, Peter— 2-1-1-0-1 |
Clinton Town |
Stillwell, John— 2-2-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stimeson, Jacob— 2-3-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoccom, John— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Amenia |
Stockholm, Aaron— 2-2-2-0-5 |
Fishkill |
Stone, Darius— 1-2-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stone, David— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stone, Desire— 0-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Stone, Elijah— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Storm, Abraham— 3-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Storm, Garret— 2-0-2-0-7 |
Fishkill |
Storm, Gorus— 2-1-2-0-3 |
Fishkill |
Storm, Isaac— 4-3-5-1-2 |
Fishkill |
Storm, Johannis— 1-1-6-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Storm, John P— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Storm, John P— 1-0-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Storm, John— 1-0-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Storm, Peter— 2-0-2-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Storm, Peter— 4-1-3-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Storm, Peter— 4-1-3-0-0 |
Amenia |
Stoutenburgh, Abraham 2-3-2-0-2 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Abraham 2-3-2-0-2 |
Amenia |
Stoutenburgh, Benjamin 1-2-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Benjamin 1-2-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Jacobus 5-1-3-0-6 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, James L 2-2-2-0-6 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, James T 4-0-2-0-1 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, John—4-0-1-0-5 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Peter 3-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Peter 3-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Peter jr 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Peter jr 1-0-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Tobias E 1-3-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, Tobias E 1-3-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stoutenburgh, William 5-2-7-0-1 |
Clinton Town |
Stover, Adams— 4-2-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Strait, Herny— 1-2-4-0-0 |
Beekman |
Strait, John— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Strait, John— 4-1-7-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Strait, Sarah— 0-0-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Striker, James— 1-5-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Stringham, Peter— 1-2-1-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stringham, Owens— 3-0-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Stringham, Samuel— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sturdevant, Dorcus 1-0-3-0-0 |
Northeast |
Sturdevant, Elijah—1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sturdevant, Nathan— 1-6-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sturgis, Hill— 1-0-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Suires,Nathaniel, 1,1,4,0,0 |
Pawling |
Sunderland, daniel 1-3-3-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Swade, Dirck— 1-1-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Swart, Evert— 2-0-2-0-5 |
Fishkill |
Swartwout, Cornelius 2-8-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Swartwout, Jacobus jr 1-1-1-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Swartwout, James— 3-5-4-0-0 |
Amenia |
Swartwout, James— 3-5-4-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Swartwout, Johannis 1-3-4-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Swartwout, Samuel— 5-4-7-0-0 |
Fishkill |
Sweeney, John—1-1-2-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Sweet, Amos— 1-4-3-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sweet, Benjamin— 2-0-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sweet, David— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sweet, Elnathan— 3-1-5-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sweet, John— 1-2-5-0-0 |
Clinton Town |
Sweet, John— 1-6-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sweet, Rufus— 1-2-1-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sweet, Samuel— 1-4-5-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sweet, Thomas— 1-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Swift, Isiah— 1-5-1-0-0 |
Frederickstown |
Swift, Judah— 4-8-9-2-6 |
Amenia |
Swift, Stephen, 1,0,5,0,0 |
Pawling |
Sypher, John— 2-1-2-0-0 |
Beekman |
Sypher, Samuel— 1-0-1-0-0 |
Beekman |