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1. Edward Bullock, son of Gilbert Bullock
2. Emma Merritt, daughter of Peter S. Merritt, married Fred Hewitt
3. Minnie Bullock
4. Millard F. Merritt, son of Seneca and Jane Snyder Merritt
5. Hazel Hewitt, daughter of Fred S. And Emma Merritt Hewitt
6. Fred S. Hewitt
7. Oliver St. John, Married Harriet E. Merritt
8. Annie St. John, Daugher of (7) married Ramond L. Hannay
9. Gilbert Bullock, married Catherine?
10. Seneca son Kneeling
11. Ransome More, married Hannah A. Merritt, daughter of Seneca and Jane Snyder
12. Unknown
13. Elsie Taylor Merritt, daughter of John Wesley and Elizabeth Hargall Allen
14. Girl Unknown
15. Charles Wetmore, married Catherine M. Vedder
16. Girl Unknown
17. Elizabeth Hargall Allen Merritt, wife of John Wesley Merritt
18. Leroy Wetmore
19. Girl Unknown
20. Maria E. More, wife of Peter S. Merritt son of Seneca and Jane Snyder
21. Lady Unknown
22. Hattie A. Elliott, wife of Orloff L. Rundell
23. John Wesley Merritt, son of Giblert and Fanny Eighmey Merritt, Married
Elizabeth Hargall Allen (number 17 above)
24. Welling R. Merritt, son of Giblert S. And Mary Rundell Merritt, married
Jessie Snyder
25. Jennie Hanes Mabie daugher of Mary Merritt Hanes daugher of Seneca and Jane
Snyder Merritt (Jennie's father is number 34 below)
26. Lady wearing necklace Unknown
27. Peter S. Merritt, son of Seneca and Jane Snyder Merritt, married Maria E.
More see 20 above
28. Edith Merritt, daughter of Millard F. Meritt he married Helen Rockefeller
first and secondly Agusta Rundell. Edith Merritt married Peter W. Elliott (She
helped identify people in this picture)
29. Boy with hat on lap unknown
30. Jennie Wetmore, daugher of Margaret Merritt Wetmore, daugher of Seneca
Merritt and Jane Snyder
31. Oscar Mabie, married Jennie E. Haynes who was born Dec 21, 1852, the
daughter of John J. Haynes and Mary Merritt (he is husband of number 25 above)
32. Lady front window Unknown
33. Paul Gilbert Merritt, son of John Wesley and Elizabeth Hargall Allen
Merritt, married Nettie Vincent the daughter of Edward and Mary E. Miles Vincent
of Hopwell Junction, Dutchess County NY
34. John H. Haynes, married Mary Merritt, daughter of Seneca and Jane Snyder
35. Boy Unknown
36. Alonzo C. Merritt, son of John Wesley and Elizabeth Hargall Allen Merritt,
he married Julia M. Haley and lived lastly in Delhi, NY
37. William Wetmore, husband of Margaret Merritt daugher of Seneca Merritt and
Jane Snyder
38. Carrie Francis married James Pemberton of Revina NY Unsure of relation
though Phebe Merritt sister of Seneca Merritt married a Lyman Francis.
39. Lady by tree Unknown
40. Man standing behind post Unknown
41. Freeman Elliott, son of Edwin D. Elliot and Caroline A Merritt daugher of
Senceca Merritt and Jane Snyder
42. Avery Elliot, son of Edwin D. And Caroline A. Merritt
43. Mrs. Wetmore not sure which Mrs Wetmore this is but Margaret J. Merritt
Daughter of Seneca Merritt and Jane Snyder married a William Wetmore see number
45 below
44. Charlotte G. Merritt, daughter of John Wesley and Elizabeth Hargall allen
Merritt. She was b March 23, 1868 and d June 12, 1898, she married J. H. Durkee
and is buried with her Grandparents Giblert and Fanny Eighmey's plot in the
Bethlehem Cemetery, Bethlehem Orange Co. NY
45. Margaret Wetmore wife of William Wetmore, there is a question mark in Pencil
next to this see number 43 above
46. Orloff L. Rundell, married Hattie A. Elliott the daughter of Edwin D. And
Caroline A. Meritt Elliott. Orloff L. And Hattie (Harriet) lived at Oak Hill,
Greene County NY where they had and antique shop. Orloff L and his wife are
buried in the Provost Cemetery at Norton Hill, Green County NY
47. Lady Unknown
48. Jane Snyder, wife of Seneca Merritt, he was the son of Cornberry and
Permelia Jones Merritt of the Town of Durham, Green County, NY (the empty chair
next to her represents her husband Seneca who passed away in 1871
49. Mary L. Rundell, wife of Gilbert S. Meritt the son of Seneca and Jane Snyder
50. Giblert S. Merritt, son of Seneca and Jane Snyder merritt, husband of Mary
L. Rundell
51. Man by Lampost, Unknown
52. Seneca Elliot, son of Caroline Merritt Elliot daughter of Seneca and Jane
Snyder Merritt
53. Lady Unknown
54. Young man Unknown
55. Lady Unknown
56. Hanna A. Merritt, wife of Ransome More. Hanna was the daughter of Seneca and
Jane Snyder Merritt
57. Woman Unknown
58. Frederick E. Wetmore, son of William H and Margaret J. Wetmore, daughter of
Seneca and Jane Snyder Merritt. William and Margaret J. Are buried in the
Cornwallville Cemetery
59. Man Unknown
60. Woman Unknown
61. Frank Bryant (1843-1913) married Lovina Haines (1850-1922), both are buried
in the Medusa Cemetery, Medusa Albandy County NY. Lovina is the Daughter of Mary
Merritt daughter of Seneca Merritt and Jane Snyder
62. Levina Haines (see 61)
63. Herbert V. Wetmore (1862-1940) marrried Mary E.? (1872- ) Herbert Va and
Mary E are buried in the Cornwallville Cem. Herbert (Hobart) was the son of
Margaret J. Merritt daughter of Seneca and Jane Synder Merritt |