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Will & Inventory of the estate of Matthias Corwin
From the Corwin Genealogy, by Edward Tanjore Corwin, Millstone, New
Jersey, 1872, pp 161-2
Will recorded in the Southold Records, Lib. B, p. 11, in new Book, Lib B, p.
His will, as recorded in the Southold town records, is said to have been
The New-Haven records include the following articles which refer
to the will:
![](_themes/geneal/dots.gif) | A writing was presented, for the last will and testament of Matthias
Curwin, but returned for
legal probate. An inventory of the estate of said Matthias Curwin was
presented, taken 15th
of the seventh month, (1658,) by William
Purrier and Charles Glover,
amounting to 313
8d. That the appraisement was just, was witnessed upon by the above
appraisers before
![](_themes/geneal/dots.gif) | Extract from Hoadley's Recs. New-Haven, vol II 35 "Barnabas
Horton. |
On p. 400, he adds, "The last will
and testamentof
Matthias Curwin, late of
Southold, was
presented, subscribed
John Underhill, and deposed by Barnabas
Horton, at the Court, March 5th,
Before William Wells, John
Whether or not the original will can be found in the
New-Haven archives is unknown. The following is a copy:
SOUTHOLD, August 31, 1658
The last will & testament of me, Mathias
Curwin, beinge in perfect memorie, do, in the name of our Lord God, &
all men, comit my soule to God, & my bodie to the dust from whence it
came. My will is, that my wife, Margarett Curwin, & my sonn, John Curwin,
shall be my true & lawfull executors to administer upon my present
estate as followeth:
Item: I give to my Daughter, Martha, twentie pounds sterlinge, and over
and above such goods my wife shall buy for her in the bay (?)
It.: I give unto my sonn, Theophilus, 20 lbs. sterlinge, to bee payed to
them when they shall leave their mother, accordinge to the law and custome of
this Colonie.
It.; The remainder of my estate I give to my wife and son, John, equally
betwixt them untill my wife marrie. But in case shee shall marrie, then
my son, John, is to pay unto her 40 lbs. sterlinge uppon the day of her
marriage. And this, my will and testiment, to stand in full force
& power after my decease.
In presence of John Underhill, Barnabas Horton.
Source: Southold Town Records, Lib. B, p. 95
Inventory of his estate:
From the Corwin Genealogy, Edward Tanjore Corwin, Millstone, New Jersey,
1872, pp 161-2
An inventory of the estate of the said Mathias Curwin, lately deceased.
œ s. d.
Impris. Houses and lands with th' appertencs,
50 00 00
It. Neate cattle,
97 00 00
It. In horse flesh,
20 00 00
It. Sheepe kinde,
23 16 00
It. In goats & swyne,
14 00 00
It. Cart, plow, with all furniture,
05 17 00
It. Working tools, with other things,
06 14 00
It. Corne & hay,
29 00 00
It. Bedsteads & beddinge,
19 17 00
It. The man's wareinge & tools, & lynnen,
09 16 00
It. Arme's wooll & some cheese,
16 13 06
It. Pewter, brasse, & other trumpery,
15 18 00
Apprisers: BARNABAS
(Immediately preceding this will in the book, on p. 92, is copied,
"September 15th, 1658," the inventory of the estate of Joseph Youngs,
mariner; and following it, p. 97, Thomas Cooper's will, "15th September,
1658," and p. 98, his inventory, "January 20th, 1658-59.")